Getting annoyed by the PMP exam change!
PMI had announced the change in the PMP exam outline in June 2019. According to the initial announcement, the PMP exam was to change from December 2019 but after a huge hue and cry from education providers, professionals, and experts, the change date was postponed to July 2020. As of now, the new exam outline will be realized from the 1st of July, 2020.
Before we moving on, let’s have a look at what will change in the PMP exam?
Initially, the exam was cantered around domains that reflected the phases in a project lifecycle, initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & control and closing. The new domains will be People, process and Business Environment.
Importance to People
PMI is all set to give more emphasis to the skills required to manage a project team
Along with domains and tasks in each domain, PMI has introduced ‘Enablers’ which are actions one needs to take to complete the task.
Agile and Hybrid Methods of Project Management
According to the latest announcement, half of the PMP exam will reflect predictive project management while the other half will reflect agile and hybrid project management
PMI is not providing an overlap duration when both the outline of examinations would be available. Obviously, this change brings inconvenience for a set of PMP credentials aspirants who are halfway through their preparations for the exam. While this change is being highly appreciated as it is a major leap in project management learning, it can create problems for people for certain reasons or in certain cases.
- People who are midway in their preparations will have to prepare again as PMP exam is going to change radically
- People who had planned to take the exam in the month of May and June will have to rush for the second chance if they do not clear the examination in the first attempt.
- People who were planning to start the preparation for the PMP certification will get a very small window to clear the exam.
- People planning to take the exam just after exam change, i.e, after June will face a lot of difficulties as the already difficult PMP exam will get harder.
- Learners desiring to take PMP exam post-change might not get the quality or ample tips to pass the new PMP exam
Changing exam has certainly created doldrums for learners and have left them with tough choices. If you are planning to take the PMP examination before the changes are realized, waiting could be a dangerous recipe.
Recently, PMI has also announced the release of the PMBOK 7th edition draft which will be undergoing some major intention shift as well. While this is again a piece of good news, it brings challenges of its own. By the time the project management industry will get used to the new PMP exam, the standard of Project management will change.